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发布时间:2024-09-20        作者:        编辑:贾继伟       浏览:







乔丕忠, 上海交通大学“致远”讲席教授、教授(二级)、固体力学学科(团队)学术带头人、国家级高层次人才;美国土木工程协会会士、美国工程力学院会士、美国注册职业工程师(PE,土木工程-结构)和美国SECB注册结构工程师。曾任美国华盛顿州立大学终身教授和Anjan Bose院士工程杰出研究者。主要从事先进结构材料(复合智能材料和高性能混凝土材料)与力学的研究,尤其致力于复合智能材料、高性能材料在航空航天、土木水利和交通运输工程中的研究、发展和应用。其主要学术贡献包括对材料和结构的破坏、健康检测及加固等问题开展了国际上具有深远影响的独创性研究。首次提出双层梁剪切和界面变形理论(被波音公司命名为“乔方法”),拓展了断裂力学的适用空间;提出近场动力学II型断裂临界扭转率准则,解决了其在断裂力学应用的瓶颈问题(是首位将近场动力学(peridynamics)引进到中国学术界的学者)。爱斯维尔中国高被引学者(力学,202120222023);入选美国斯坦福大学发布的全球2%顶尖科学家;全球土木工程高被引学者(150名)榜单(上海软科和爱斯维尔,2016)。目前,是Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal副主编。


Advanced composite materials prevalently exist in engineering applications. Interface mechanics and fracture are crucial in design analysis of advanced composites. Three interface deformation models (i.e., the rigid, semi-rigid and flexible joint models) describing the different degrees of crack tip deformation are introduced based on three corresponding bi-layer beam theories (i.e., the conventional composite beam, shear deformable bi-layer beam, and interface deformable bi-layer beam). Due to different considerations of the interface displacement compatibility in each bi-layer beam theory, these joint models, among which the semi-rigid and flexible joint ones are developed by the speaker’s group, show three distinct levels of accuracy in predicting the crack tip deformation. By using these two novel joint models, the new terms, which are “missing” in the rigid joint model, are recovered for fracture analysis. The novel semi-rigid and flexible joint deformation models provide explicit closed-form solutions of fracture parameters which can be easily adopted in practice, thus contributing to advancing linear elastic fracture mechanics of bi-layer interface and advanced composite structures. Potential challenges and feasible solutions facing the interface mechanics and fracture are further discussed.

吉林大学机械与航空航天工程学院  地址:吉林省长春市人民大街5988号

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